Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dreamweaver Site

I've got my dreamweaver site up and running. Although it looks pretty plain right now, I plan on incorporating some php and mysql into the site. I'm learning things about web development with this site that I never knew before. I guess when all you do is accounting work all day, it doesn't leave a whole lot of room for web development. I think that by doing the little things like maintaining your own website, creating your own databases, etc. helps to make me a more well rounded employee. I know it may not seem like it to some managers, but when an employee in, lets say accounting, learns about php and databases and how to create a dynamic site, it will actually make for a better company. You see, accounting and database management are essentially linked together. Today, you cannot have one without the other.

I think that we will see a trend in the next ten years. Accountants will need to be acclimated into the world of DBA's. If you are an accountant and you do not know SQL, your job will be hindered. If you can't write a basic SQL query and your own Crystal Reports, you may not have a job. Accounting is about gathering information and sorting it into a meaningful presentation. Ironically, database administration is about gathering information and sorting it into a meaningful presentation. So doesn't it make sense that in the very near future you will have a crossing over of accounting and information systems?

When I look at my job now, I really think that 80-90% of my job is information systems, 5-10% accounting, and 1-5% supervisory. Although I guess you could say that the supervisory is blended in with the information systems and the accounting, since 60% of my job right now is fixing errors in either the database or a general accounting error. Bottom an accountant, don't think that you won't have to know this stuff.

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